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kitler53 said:
crissindahouse said:
Nsanity said:
Turkish said:
PS4 has too many games.

So does the PC by the looks of things.

well, not this anymore since it seems that sony paid for it to get an exclusive release on ps4 and vita. 

i'm not sure sony is really paying for these though.  john blow said very clearly that no money changed hands for his timed-exclusivity on the witness.  he simply stated he is too small a team to support a multiplatform release at launch and thus it was going to be a "defacto timed-exclusive" regardless.  it's on ps4 first because sony has been more active in interfacing with indie, have had their indie policy in place for far longer than MS, and because they are giving indie's a fuck-ton of press that indie's simply can't afford to buy.  ...yet it costs sony nothing except a reputation for having a lot of indie games. 

..the list of games coming to ps4 but not to xbone (or at the very least not until much later) is getting to be massive.  makes me wonder what early adopters of xbox one will play in the first year because their isn't all that much AAA, boxed-titles announced across either platform.

i don't care about a game they showed in february, i'm talking as example about the whole e3 indie library where every game is "first on playstation" even if versions for pc or wii u were announced much earlier. nobody can tell me that it is only coincidence that all these developers changed their mind and thought "ok, first for playstation is the way to go even when we already work on the pc version for an year"

it's funny how microsoft always got bashed for it and that for years even when there was also never a developer saying "microsoft paid for that" so that we never had evidence but with sony doing exactly the same everything is fine...

no, both companies are horrible if it comes to this.