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Movies & TV - ROBOCOP 2014 - View Post

Vetteman94 said:
attaboy said:
Vetteman94 said:
Looks good to me, Robocop is one of those movie while it stands well on its own would be a better movie if it had the technology we have today for movies. I think this one will be pretty good maybe even better than the original.

That's actually what had me excited about the movie.  I just fear that this will be an example of the movie losing its "heart" because it relies too much on the special effects and action of today.  I see a lot of changes and they just don't seem to be for the better.  I'll try to reserve judgement, though.  Dredd did it right.  Total Recall did it wrong.  We'll see how Robocop does it.

What changes exactly?   There was only one I really didnt care much for but all the others that I could pick up on just from the trailer I really liked.   The one that bothered me was his human hand,  seemed weird and unecessary to leave it. 

-Seems like Murphy gets blown up in a car bomb instead of being brutally killed by a bunch of criminals.  So, he doesn't get to kill them all one by one.

-It looks like he's got his normal personality right off the bat instead of slowly remembering who he used to be. 

-He's got that one human hand!  I'm sure he'll have super strength but what good is it if he rips his hand off lifting something heavy?

I'm not living in the past or anything.  I actually look forward to lots of remakes and I can appreciate when it's done right.  It just seems like this movie may end up missing the emotion and the undertones of the original.  I really sympathized with the original Robocop as he would go to his old home and sit outside without knowing why or who he used to be.  I just don't feel anything for the new guy, yet.  Maybe the next trailer will win me over.