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PDF said:
General consensus is that Batman can beat anyone given time.
No time, no plan, Batman can lose to just about everyone.

Batman is one of the few people who can defeat Superman as seen in Dark Knight Returns part 2. That doesn't mean he wins in a straight up fight or that Superman can't destroy him whenever he wants. Just proves Batman is capable of beating him.

Pretext is important in this situation

I don't believe that the Dark Knight Rises is considered cannon. Some of these animations that come out aren't cannon. Also, Superman and him went back and forth because of that suit and the Krytptonite, but he never hurt Superman outside of the Kyrptonite. Superman used his X-ray vision and tried to warn Batman before the end the he was going to have a heart attack and Superman hit him. They had a funeral for Batman and Superman could hear Bruce Waynes heart beat beneath the grave. He smiled and decided not to pursue him because that was his friend and he wasn't about to rat him out to that president.