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NYANKS said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

LOL its funny, I just stated the powers of the Justice League though. Any of them could come up with tactics. Wonder Woman is basically the comic book version of Athena. She and Aquaman could lead their people into war at any moment because they are leaders and were always raised to be. I am sure they know battle tactics and are used to fighting superhuman beings all the time. Yes, Batman created tactics for getting rid of the Justice League because he knew he had to just incase things got out of hand. If Superman wanted to he could, but he doesn't like to think about the worst case scenario with the people he calls friends hence why he wasn't dumb, found out and confronted Batman. He got Batman on the moral angle because Superman came up with a plan to kill them all it wouldnt really need much planning like Batman's would, which would take weeks to months of tactical planning. Again, even though Superman could probably create the technology himself after studying the work of his ancestors and talking to holograms with them he understands his potential to create and do things. For the sake of story people like Lex Luthor need to exist to balance out the story of Superman because essentially superman needs no one. As I said before, Lex Luthor spent years trying to figure out what makes superman tick. Until he got Supermans powers for a short period of time he never realized that you really don't need to think so much, you kind of at at peace with all of the power around you.

You seem hell bent on proving that Superman is stronger.  He is, we all know this.  But everything depends on who's writing.  No one thinks of Superman as super intelligent any more, because for a lot of people he isn't.  No one in the JL show and many comics is smarter than Batman, not recently at least.  Leading people and being smarter are two different things.  You can find a comic book written at some time that would contradict many of the things you think about any hero.  No longer can they come up with tactics as elaborate or far reaching than Batman.  Wonder Woman's lasso is woefully inadequate in many situations, and Batman has been deemed fit to wear at least two of the Lantern rings.  That was pretty scary.

Its so true that it always comes down to the writer and I've never disputed that. I mean, the Flash is a forensics scientist and they've turned him into a joke character. Even though Aquaman is very powerful, he could be more notable if the writing matched his true potential. Supermans father could put Lex Luthor to shame...and Luthor is smarter than Batman. He got more ways to kill batman than batman would have if he fought Superman. Didn't the guy become president as well? WTF? Why does everyone talk about how smart Batman is when theres smarter people out there.