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The Crew.

forget Need For Speed Rival.

Forza 5 can go to hell

and the less said about Hashtag Driveclub the better.

It saddens me that no one is talking about this AT ALL. You fanboys disgust me. Just because it's not exclusive to somewhere no one is talking about it. I'm willing to bet if Titanfall wasn't timed, no one would be as up on that as they are.

But back on topic.

The Crew is what next gen should be about SCALE THE DAMN THING IS HUGE!!!

You are driving through the whole of the USA and it's seamless.

Hype this up people, it deserves the attention, Screw Hashtag Driveclube and Forza 5, this is where it's at

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?