Based on the First 553 points:
*Pokemon X/Y is VERY likely to win this month, at least for an individual platform.
*As per usual, the top games are PS3, PS4, 3DS, and Wii U titles, more often exclusives than not
*The Wii U is actually the leading platform again, albeit by a small lead over the PS3 and PS4
*Other than X, Tearaway is the top scoring game on a single platform that's a new IP
*Proportionately, the XBox One, Vita, and 3DS are doing better this month, while the Wii U, 360, and PS3 are doing worse. The latter platforms' falling can be explained by the release of Grand Theft Auto 5 and a couple of minor Wii U games (The Wonderful 101 and Rayman Legends).
*If all three Zelda games were combined (Wind Waker HD, Link Between Worlds, and the mystery Wii U game), the resulting game would beat everything but Pokemon X/Y.
*Watch Dogs for the Wii U actually has more points than Mario Kart 8, and Assassin's Creed 4 for Wii U has more points than Bayonetta 2 and a couple of other less popular 1st party titles.
*Were voting to end today, this would be by far the smallest Most Wanted feature since it rebooted last year. There would be 15 less voters, less than in the May 2013 edition, the smallest so far this year.
*The Xbox One and PC have an equal number of points
*So far, 20 skus have 10 or more points.