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They need a specific amount of time to hype the game to the multiplayer gamers and gain their attention. By default Sony is already going to have a ton of shooters just like Microsoft, but Killzone has always had a problem of having good multiplayer, but not good enough to the point where it outshines the competition. They've shown absolutely nothing yet outside of the storyline. They keep forgetting that last gen most people didn't even get to the storyline in shooters, they went right past it. For this reason Ubisoft is developing the Divisions multiplayer bigger and better so that it wraps around the story arch. I think that is a smart thing and will probably revolutionize TPS for the next gen. Killzone has it all, Mechs, awesome weaponry, realistric graphics, but the question is what can they add to the roster of elements to make the game stand out and be special? Customization? Better classes? Better map development? Forge mode? Its all up in them. We've got to see it.