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Bodhesatva said:

I definitely don't think it's crazy to suggest that MGS4 will beat MGS3. Halo 3 it isn't, but I think we coudl see something akin to DMC4/DMC3:

MGS4 is more heavily advertised, bundled with the system, and is one of fewer major games. MGS3 was less well advertised, was not bundled, and was one in a sea of major PS2 exclusives.

Therefore, I think it's possible that despite the lower user base, MGS4 may match or even surpass MGS3, and could hit 5 million sold.

Not saying that's a definite, by any means, just isn't outside the realm of possibility, either.

I'm gonna make a bold prediction and say it'll sell much better than we expect it too, simply on hype, packin, and lack of other games on the PS3.


I think the historical numbers won't accurately reflect the hit MGS4 will be.


That said, we're gonna get a LOT of people who hate the game on these forums, because they bought it off hype, and the game is largely niche.


I, personally love the games, and don't really care how well it sells, but I do believe it will sell better than 3, simply because of hype, packin, and lack of other quality games.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.