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RenCutypoison said:
walsufnir said:

PC gaming as it is now is limited because of current consoles. You will see a big increase of requirements with the release of PS4/Xbone. Also keep in mind that gaming-PCs already have a lot of memory installed.

Also this is not about opinion, it's about facts. You can do more with more ram, as easy as this. It also makes developping games easier. One of the most limiting hardware currently in consoles is ram. We would see better graphics and more open worlds even on current hardware if consoles had more ram.

On current hardware, we would see a boost. That said, as there is no other boost (that we know of, except the clock increase) on ONE's hardware, I don't think it will be a big boost.

Overpowering a part doesn't boost the whole machine a lot. It just unbalances.

Programming will require less optimization tough, you're totally right on that (and probably not just on that), but it seems that it makes devs lazier (did someone say Blow ?).

It's a good add, but I don't think it will really change that much.


Edit : and you're right on the gaming pc part, I'm just too used to doujin games, most are optimized to run on pentium 3 =p

You can doubt what you want, more ram is always better for a system and it will benefit on it. This is in now way overpowering because you can't have too much ram.

Yes, I read Blow and I have to say he blows. He is really a ranting-guy but if you give devs resources they will use them. Even if it's perhaps wasting resources.

What you *could* do: Because of GDDR5 being really fast you could swap certain parts of the ram forth and back so you can at least compensate less ram than a competitor. That most probably was Sony's plan right away when PS4 had only 4 GB ram and before luck kissed them ;)