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superchunk said:
Figgycal said:
superchunk said:

However, WiiU's issue hasn't really been price. Its been content. PS3 had plenty of content, just too damn expensive at first.

And it looks like content is still going to be the problem 3rd party has given up on the Wii U. 

Plus the PS3 was 600 dollars and the Wii U has no competition- this makes the Wii U look even worse.

EA is the only 3rd party with next-gen software that has no games on WiiU this holiday and they already stated support will be back in 2014. (basically they just wanted to F WiiU and help push people to PS4/XBO at launch... its part of their "unprecedented partnership")

WiiU is not that far behind X360 globally at this same time at a similar price point too and by end of year it will likely be higher than 360 (comparing these two as they both had first year alone).

Bethesda Games, 2K Games, Rockstar Games, Valve, Insomniac Games, EPIC, and a lot more BIG Third Party Companies Not Supporting the WiiU