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MohammadBadir said:
AnthonyW86 said:
milkyjoe said:
AnthonyW86 said:
The only reason why it made to 1 million in about the same timeframe is because Wii-U hade a much better launch. It sold more in it's first week than the PS3 did in the first five. It outsold the PS3 by a good margin the next two weeks and after that it fell hard. A few weeks later and the PS3 was selling double what Wii-U was selling in the same time frame.

The PS3 was having sub 10k weeks at this point in its life as well.

A few weeks maybe but from July 2007 it didn't go below 10k a week for the rest of the year. By the end of the year the Wii-U will probably have sold better in Japan than the PS3 did in it's full year and with some big titles releasing next year it will do better aswell. After that though, i think Wii-U will pretty much be done.

>implying Nintendo is just gonna stop announcing games all of a sudden

No but all of the main franchises will have been released. Unless they release a add-on that creates a hype like the Wii motion controls did or release (multiple) new franchises that rival the likes of Pokemon Wii-U will has a good chance of slowly dying out after a little over 3 years. And iwth stiff competition from the PS4 when comparing to the PS3, it's going to fall behind fast.