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McDonaldsGuy said:
Soundwave said:

The original Star Wars sold more tickets than Titanic. Both were phenomons of their time.

James Cameron can do sequels yes, but the original Avatar relied an awful lot on the "wow" factor of the 3D, which today is basically no big deal anymore. Every blockbuster movie nowadays is 3D.

Inflation adjusted, Avatar is waaaaaaaaay below the first Star Wars and not even that far ahead of The Phantom Menace or Return of the Jedi.  It's box office is likely padded an awful lot by the premium 3D ticket prices.

If the next Star Wars actually has a decent script and some good direction behind it ... look out.

Personally I don't see where he's going to go with an Avatar story that's so compelling from this point out. I just personally think the story/characters/universe aren't that interested especially with the 3D novelty not being as much of a draw. Terminator 2 was 22 years ago now, he hasn't done a sequel since then, it may not be as much of a lock as people think.

I generally don't bet against Cameron, but I might just this time.

Titanic sold more tickets in its initial run - remember, Star Wars was re-released many times. In its original run, Star Wars grossed $215 million, which in 1998 money would be $450 million... Titanic was also super popular overseas - it was released in 57 countries besides the U.S./Canada and DESTROYED the box office in EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. That was just phenomenal. It was the highest grossing movie in the UK for 11 years, in Japan for 4, etc. etc. Titanic was the biggest movie phenomen ever. You can never doubt James Cameron.

Avatar was still a phenomenon... I mean think about it, The Avengers had four HUGE movies to promote it, had years of hype, had many major stars, tons of marketing, 3D premium prices, and still couldn't get near Avatar.

The problem with Star Wars is that only core Star Wars fans seem to be interested in it. Thankfully, there is a lot. But Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith were not on the levels of Empire, Return, and Menace in terms of box office. A lot of interest in Star Wars has died down due to the prequels being bad movies.

I just can't see the hype reaching Phantom Menace levels. Even if Harrison, Mark, and Carrie return. The Star Wars brand has been damage - it'll make a lot of money, but will be more comparable to Revenge and Clones than Phantom Menace and The Empire Strikes Back.

You can never bet against James Cameron. This guy just has "it." Avatar is a compelling movie. A lot of people say it's "Pocahantas on Pandora," while it does share similarities, so what? Star Wars is Hidden Fortress on Tatooine. Flash Gordon in the Death Star. Heck, the final Death Star battle is literally a rip off of the movie "Dam Busters," look it up. If there is one thing James can do, that's sequels. Aliens and Terminator 2 are some of the higest rated sequels ever. (Btw, I think Star Wars is a great movie, it is easily in my top 10).

Avatar 2 - if it is released in 2015, will make more money than Avengers 2, Batman/Superman, and Star Wars Episode 7.... though to be honest, I was hoping Cameron would go with his other movie, Battle Angel.

I am going to take the bait and bet against Cameron.

I just think Avatar's characters/themes are more niche than Star Wars even. Without the novelty of being the first real breakout 3D movie, I think Avatar 2 will be beaten by both Avengers 2 and Star Wars *if* Star Wars actually has a script/directing of reasonably better quality than the prequel movies.

Adjusted for inflation Star Wars, not only beat Avatar, but so does Empire Strikes Back. Return of the Jedi is right there and so is Phantom Menace.

People finally turned against Star Wars because Lucas' screenwriting/direction had become terrible and many people felt burned by Episode I. JJ Abrams is a decent action director and the writer is a very good writer (Toy Story 3, Little Miss Sunshine, etc.). Kathleen Kennedy is also an extremely smart producer, she has made sure there's some real talent behind the new Star Wars, much like Disney also did with The Avengers.

I'm going to say, Avengers 2 > Star Wars (w/a good script) > Avatar 2 > Batman/Superman