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OP, first off, you need to get more educated about politics. It's painful reading your political statemens.
I don't mean to offend you, I think it would help you to know what's up in the world.

Usually, capitalism works if it is regulated, so it doesn't go overboard.
Usually, socialism works if it is applied in moderation. Liberalism is the same. What causes genocide is not an ideology in it self (unless it's some kid of death cult), but extremists of any ideology.
 Liberalism (Americans tend to get this one wrong. Trusting in the state's ability to solve problems is a feature of socialism, but it is lumped together with liberalism in america for some reason. Probably because liberals there tend to be social-liberal)

Read up on these things a little. It can only help.

Secondly. You should do everything you can to try to do something you like. Aim for the stars. Even if you fail, you might like where you land.

Maybe you should move to a different country if you feel stuck where you are?