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I think Obama will end up coming through the Democratic primaries..

But I don't know whether he will be a candidate for Vice President or for President.

That said, I wouldn't rule out a last minute push by Gore if the Democrats think an African or a woman can't win, since neither has even come close in history.

On the Republican side, you have a bunch of shall we say 'unique' candidates.  I don't think Guliani will play in the heartland with Conservative voters, he is pretty moderate, and when pressed he is pro-choice among other controversial issues..

Harry Reid is a Mormon, but Romney seems to be having more trouble with (also - I thought he was Virginia governor..)

McCain I think is interesting, since he is an old school politician who actually knows how to reach young voters - he is on the Daily Show and does stuff through You Tube...

All three of these candidates get flack from Evangelicals for various reasons..whether it is the loan scandal (McCain), Romney over religious ideology/mormon stereotypes, and I don't think Gulliani is Conservative enough to be nominated..for President.

For both parties you need a candidate who impresses the ideologues at the left or the right, then moves toward the ideological center to get elected.  Because of that, I think you'll end up seeing these two tickets:

Democrats: Obama-Clinton or Obama-Gore, because of the two fusions of Democratic ideology, Clinton era centrism with Obama's more liberal ideology..

Republicans: McCain-Guiliani as a broadly drawing ticket, or McCain-Romney if the Republicans want a more Conservative ticket and think Romney would be ok in due course.

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu