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DerpSandwich said:
Arius Dion said:
The beginning of Skyward Sword with the constant text. Then the middle of Skyward Sword with The sword constantly stopping progress with saying something obvious (like low batteries) Then towards the end of Skyward Sword where they had you collect 'Tadtones.' At those points I was definitely like 'Screw This!'

No Wonder Animal Crossing is bigger than Zelda now.

That's probably my most recent one as well.  The first playthrough was imperfect but still great, but playing through it again I found myself constantly swearing at the TV.  Fi's interjections aren't just annoying, they're downright unacceptable.  Mixed with the go-nowhere plot it's enough to practically ruin a game for me.

Amen. Though, thinking on that, there wasn't any particular thing that really caused me to quit it. Ghirahim almost did, but I stumbled on how to beat him on pure luck. After powering up the sword I just got bored, and stopped playing. And really, that's kind of the most daming thing about that game. It's not bad, it's boring.

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