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KylieDog said:
Respected and accurate leaker already said is timed exclusive. Just wait.

For PS4 AND PS3?

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Michael-5 said:

I'm not sure about "A lot", I didn't see many day 1 3rd party exclusives, but "many" will, and I agree with you PS4 will get more support when Sony stops supporting the PS3. Titanfall is probably the "Killer Exclusive" for the One ATM, and it will release on PS4, I'm sure of it.

Forza, Crimson Dragon, Dead Rising 3 (published by MS), Killer Instinct, basically anything Microsoft published won't come to PS4, but my biggest issue with the One is, will Microsoft continue to produce exclusive games in the future? They gave up on the 360 mid-life, so I'm very hesitant about One.

However I'm the type of gamer, who owns every system (literally, I'm only missing the Saturn and Virtual Boy, both of which I plan to buy one day). Crimson Dragon, and Killer Instinct look cool, but I don't need them right away, I don't mind buying them in 2020 when the system sells for $200, and the games sell for $10-$20 each.

I tend to buy the consoles with the most variety. Having all would be great but I cannot justify it with college right now, but after college definitely. The Xbox One will still be around but it will be secondary if at all. I know now that I will be getting a Wii U. Theres more titles I am interested coming in 2014 to that console than the Xbox One. Sony makes more IP's than Microsoft and most of them stick with the community because Sony allows them to. If Infamous was on the Xbox Microsoft would've let that die a long time ago.

I hear you, I finished school....well kinda, now I'm applying for teachers college, but yea, I have a year of no school and just work now.

I agree with you about Microsoft. I used to own just Nintendo/Sony products, it's nice owning both because they offer a very different gaming experience. I tried a 360 last gen, but Microsoft just isn't consistent. Gears of War, Lost Odyssey, and even Conker on XB....1...... were excellent, but post 2010, MS kinda just gave up, switched to Kinect.

I'll still get a One, but MS burnt me with the 360, and I miss my old Sony/Nintendo/Sega combo's. Still, I know One will have a handful of exclusives which I want to play, but I'm not made of money either, so I'll get them when they are really really old. I'm a nerd, and I want all of the best (most appealing to me) games. Plus playing the half dozen One exclusives will put me off a next-next gen console for a year, which could save me money on the console and games, so it evens out.

I mean I can think of 15 XB1 & 360 exclusives not available on PC which are worth playing, one will have some too, but for now it's back to Sony/Nintendo.

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