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ironmanDX said:
Xen said:
Should this policy get into the known, XBL will become the most polite community in the world, bar none.
God damn.

You're kidding, right? What does Sony do if you pirate their games and get caught? Nothing?

They're not tied to a PSN account, and your console doesn't lose all functionality once you're banned from PSN. The games play from disc, and don't need any internet connection for them to function offline. They'll continue working.

Also, piracy on the PS3 requires very specific firmware and measures these days. Measures that'll not allow you to get on PSN probably, anyway.

So... compared to that, nothing.

There was also one time ~release of the X360 slim that Microsoft did a massive ban run on pirated 360's. They lost not only XBL forever, but lots of other functions - which exactly - I don't remember anymore and am too lazy to search for. Let's just say the pirates needed to buy another console. It wouldn't surprise me if post XBL ban on the XB1, you'd truly be left with useless pieces of plastic rather than game discs. Microsoft doesn't joke around.

edit: I found you some links anyway.[/SIZE