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Friend,what i am trying to say is that both companies are doing the same thing!They're trying to make profit!You can't blame the one while on the other hand you defend the other just like it's your property and you feel threatened!It's ridiculous!The daily profit of each company is larger that the whole money you(and everyone else in here) will gain in your life,working 10 hours a day! not try to tell me how "evil"(not you personally) is MicroSoft and how "good" is Sony.This is a fairy tale for children.I own a PS2,an xbox and a 360 and you know what?The only reason i'm gonna buy a console is GAMES!Let's say we had the three same consoles released by unknown companies...Which console would you prefer?Just take a look at the library of games of each.Don't tell me you would choose PS3 if it wasn't for Sony.In conclusion, i mean that it's very unfair to critisize Microsoft like this cause they have offered us many great games in this current generation while we are still waiting for the great games in PS3.Given the fact that i never liked Metal Gear or Killzone(I don't like stealth games in general) give me a good reason to spend my money(which is a lot!admit it) to buy a PS3!and closing i want to mention another thing too.All of the Sony fans(i don't consider myself a MS fan,i love my PS2) shouldn't play being smart and make "objective" conclusions about 360's success but insteed look at their lovely PS3 cause if someone told before 2 years that by March 2008 Wii and 360 would pass PS3 in sales in such a scale they would laugh and call him crazy so don't tell me now that you're happy cause PS3 is only 7 million consoles behind 360(and i will not refer to Wii at all).


i agree with you, thumps up 


"I envy you. You North Americans are very lucky. You are fighting the most important fight of all- you live in the heart of the beast." 

Ernesto "Che" Guevara.