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teigaga said:
hunter_alien said:
sales2099 said:
Nintendo has balls all right, but it just cost them major 3rd party support.


Are we sure though? Didn't the wii U's 3rd party support die once sale numbers came in for both hardware and software. I remember EA, Activision, Ubisoft.. All the big guns supported Wii U at launch.

Every major 3rd party supports every major platform release. Even the N-Gage had some support, tough it never took off. Its not that expensive to make a couple of launch titles, and see what happenes from there on. Too bad that most games underperformed on the U.

Nintendo came off from their most successfull console ever, and they fall on face. They should simply go handheld only IMO, at least there japanese developers are trully standing behind them

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