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lightofhonor said:
curl-6 said:
mii-gamer said:
is he saying that the Wii U is better than xbox One in terms of power? I find that hard to believe but i do agree with the rest of the statement

No, he's saying Wii U is more powerful than the Xbox 360.

Shin'en already confirmed that their 80MB Wii U launch title Nano Assault Neo did things PS3 and 360 can't graphically, and that their next game, (most likely FAST Racing League 2) will continue to push the graphical envelope. 

Shin'en have produced some of the most advanced games on just about every system they've worked on, it will be interesting to see what they can do on Wii U.

Well, since their last FAST game looked better than most Wii games, their next racing game should stand out as well. Who know, they could have been given their chance to make the next F-Zero game. :) 

Yeah FAST and Jett Rocket look better than 99% of games on the Wii, and both fit into 40MB. A Wii U sequel with HD, programmable shaders, 1GB of RAM, and a larger file size limit should look amazing, if Nano Assault Neo is anything to go by. (And Neo as only their first time working with the hardware, they'll get better with experience)

I doubt it's F Zero though, simply because Shin'en is a 5 man team, they don't have the manpower for a big game.