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Big leap....compared to the wii which in terms of specs, was a generation behind everyone else as well.
And no, more power is always needed, but true that only good games will utilise these new opportunities.



JazzB1987 said:

WiiU games cant look outdated compared to Ps4 Xone games.

They have similar if not identical shader capabilites etc. The resolution will be cut in half and the framerate will not be 60 but 30fps or whatever and then you have the same game just needing 1/4 of the power.

Wii looked outdated because it was basically PS2 era 
Wii lacked most of the stuff PS360 were able to handle. And third party developers could not be bothered to implement "replacement effects" that they used in the Gamecube era etc (Splinter Cell on GC has better lighting than 99% of third party games on Wii) because the newer engines simply could not handle "old school"effects because noone implemented the compatibility yet or they were removed (why have messy 2001 oldschool code noone needs in a 2010 etc engine?)

So they removed the effects completely instead of trying to mimic PS360 visuals with older effects.

WiiU on the other hand wont have that problem because the capabilities are very similar to PS4 and Xone.

I mean when you look at Resident Evil Revelations on 3DS or Mario 3D Land they dont really look outdated compared to PS360. Sure they look inferior but def not outdated. PSP looks outdated because it also lacks all the shaders etc.

BTW  I would even say PS360 wont look outdated compared to PS4 and Xone  when developers replace  effects those two cant handle with PS360 era effects.

I mean the PS2 era had almost NOTHING. The only thing the era had was  crappy shadows and very bad lighting.  PS360 with their überlong shelf time  made devlopers come up with 99% of real world effects to make their new game look better than their old one.  We gave good shadows, great lighting,  tons of particle effects, reflections, refractions, self shadowing, bokeh  etc.....

There is not much left other than refining those effects  and SCALE of worlds.

That is very wrong sadly.

The chipset might have the ability to run the same dx/openGL, but that doesn't mean it can properly. Take, for exmaple, Unreal 4. The WiiU does not have enough power to run many of its new features eg. high volume particle effects, dynamic lighting, tesselation, destructive scenery etc. To put it simple, just because a car has an engine does not mean it can pull 40 tons of frieght. Engines come in different shapes and sizes, and so does computing hardware.

Oh, and when devs get their hands into the new consoles, all previous consoles will look dated. That is guaranteed.