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thetonestarr said:

I just tried copying the Waterworld seed and trying out some exploration of my own, but all it ended up doing was creating a similar world - not an identical one (since I'm using a newer version of MC than when Waterworld was created). Meh.

yes the waterworld  seed is over a year old at this point, ill see if i can get what version you would need to start with, but you would be missing all the new blocks. updates are a blessing and a curse. awesome for fixing crap and new stuff rocks… but its not in the old map, and new terrain is noticeable with the breaks, and recreating the seed has to be done with the same version that will be missing stuff or on the new version and be different 

just imaging all the changes that have happened since nibiru an alpha pre-Halloween map have happened. oldwold and hansfort are even older. oldworld being the oldest. (hansfort spawned me next to a patch of desert that when i mined was over a massive cave it collapsed the whole area into)

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog