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Metallicube said:

See guys.. THIS is why I'm a Nintendo fan. THIS is what happens when you blindly support mega corporations in gaming. They turn it into a watered down, money hatting scam. It is the corporate way.. Honestly, I will never get why "hardcore" gamers throw their support for souless corporations that sell them down the river like MS, while ignoring the only true game company left in Nintendo.

I mean honestly, this (semi) always online integration thing.. Just a way for MS to push its online fees and advertisements. But that's not even the worst of it.

FEES for USED games?? So you must now pay the initial cost of your used game, AND pay a fee. And say goodbye to renting, borrowing games from friends, etc. If this isn't the ultimate proof of how games have declined in quality.. Think about it. Why would companies discourage their games to be purchased used? Because they are unable to sell them at full price, meaning they're not GOOD enough to sell at full price.

The focus on the TV features and Kinect over the actual games.. Ugh. MS is pushing this machine not as a gaming console, but as an ENTERTAINMENT device that happens to play games.

Looks like I will finally be jumping ship to the Sony camp for my second console this time, after the Wii U of course.

It's not clear how widespread this will be on the PS4 as well.

I recommend going PC/Nintendo. It's what I've gotten by with during all these years. It by far gives the most variety, and the good old RTS games kicks ass. Try Minecraft!^^