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Capulous said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Capulous said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

My Windows Media is also called Xbox. I don't expect very much outside of a tablet with the same OS. They are probably following apples new Ipad Mini. Check this out:

As I said, Microsoft doesn't really innovate, they look at what the competition does and tries to beat them with it. Their only real contribution was Xbox Live which set a trend. The Xbox is just a replacement name for Zune on PC's and tablets since they dropped that brand. If you dominate MS in sales they leave, which is exactly what they did with the IPod market. They don't have to run out of money to break.

There were tablets running windows way before Ipad or Android tablets were released. They discontinued Zune because they saw other opportunties that would be better suited for them. No question Ipods dominate the market, but if MS really saw something there they would have continued to pursue the market. They remained in the console market dominated by Sony, Windows Phones are still here even though Android and iOS dominate the market, and the release of the Surface tablets where Google and Apple are the dominate players. Let's not forget the search engine market that is dominated by google.

 Microsoft leaves any place they cannot dominate.The name Apple is a threat to everything they stand for and Sonys existence with a multimedia console threatened them is more ways than one, which is why they joined in the first place. They like to dominate markets, but luckily they are becoming so unfocused they are diluting their efforts. Its pissing off shareholders. :)

They remained in the console market when they were not dominating, and they are in the smartphone market, tablet market, and search engine market. Every company wants to dominate whatever market they are in. They will usually make the most profit if they do. MS is focused, and they have a plan on what they are trying to accomplish. They have not diluted their efforts as they are trying to accomplish one goal.

Some shareholders may be pissed off, but the majority are not. MS continue to increase their profits and revenues yearly. They easily beat estimates last quarter and positive news on the smartphone front shows that they continue to move in the right direction. Stock prices are reflecting this.

After being a loyal Zune consumer and just being dropped, yeah...Microsoft has no heart. All the money and zero heart. If Sony would've beat Microsoft twice they would've got the picture and yes the shareholders would've been happier. Microsoft doesn't listen to most of their shareholders though  so tough for them. Now that Kinect, Xbox Live have taken off Microsoft sees blood so yeah. Sony would have to beat them squarely for a couple gens before they leave now. I will make a bet from this day that is the case.