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Capulous said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

The way MS harmed the industry even though they've helped with online is by empowering asshole companies like EA and Activision to nickel and dime customers. Any decision EA and Activision seems to make they are more than happy with even though the consumers hate it. Bobby Kotick loves the thought of Xbox Live and capitalized on getting his share out of that. DLC all day. American corporate mentality.

I actually enjoy DLC, it can extend games that you enjoy with new content without waiting a few years for a sequel. It is there as an option, no one is forcing you to buy the DLC.

Sony stated that people would get two jobs just to be able to buy a PS3. I'm sure that had everything to do with just American corporate mentality. Companies are here to make money. If MS was not here to offer another option to consumers, it would not be a good thing.

When I heard Kaz say what he did I said "go **** yourself". They've more than compensated for their actions (and continue to today) over the years. Microsoft won me over then left me high and dry. DLC is like dangling a carrot in someones face. In the older days people got what they got and everything that was on the disc belonged to them. Most DLC are unfinished products that demand too high a price and end up making hundreds for publishers if they make a series. Seldom have there been great DLC add-ons to other games and when you hear them you know their names. The only DLC thats worth it to me are indy games because most of those are honest games from smaller companies with the passion to make it big inthe industry.