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Kasz216 said:
Zappykins said:

I too got Denmark, what does it even mean?

This question also confused me: "Not as a neighbour: homosexuals"

I am perfectly happy with all my neighbors provided, they don't smoke cigarettes upwind for me and aren't too noise. And I totally support their right to marry.


Edit:  I did a little research:  Denmark ranks as having the world's highest social mobility,[10] the highest level of income equality,[11] and has one of the world's highest per capita income.  It is frequently ranked as the happiest country in the world.[16][17][18][19]  Rock on my new home country! !


I took it as "Do you not want homosexuals as your neighbor.

Though yeah.  Denmark is a pretty awesome place.

It's also a lot more economically conservative then most people think.  Which is one of the keys to it's success.  Denmark scores above the US in the heritage index for freedom even though stuff like government spending and taxes fit in to it.

It has high taxation and a high saftey net, but is extremly friendly to people running buisnesses.   Unlike a lot of other europeon countries it has pretty much at will hire fire. (Which is partly mitigated by the saftey net.)


Place i'd love to live if it wasn't for my parents and my inability to learn new languages.  It's generally about as close as a country is to how i'd prefer a country to be run.  (Though sadly i don't believe the US government would be able to run a country like Denmark.)

Don't worry about the language. Almost all scandinavians are fluent in English :)

@ thread


I guess I've been heavily influenced by my environment^^