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I should clarify too, I'm not knocking Microsoft once again. They have put forth tremendous effort in the game business and earned their spot at the top of the North American market by whupping Sony.

Just from perhaps a selfish POV though, I still see XBox as basically just another Playstation-type brand. I can't help but think I'd prefer an industry where you had Sony basically doing the same things MS would do anyway, and then having in the other corner a Nintendo much more like the Nintendo of the 1990s (good spec-ed hardware, more focus on core gaming, plus the general uniqueness that Nintendo brings).

And Rare too. It'd be nice if they had never gone down the path they did, where today they are basically irrelevant.

Once MS arrived it really put more pressure on the GameCube I think than Nintendo was ready for, and that was a good system that fizzled as a result, leading them down the path of casual gaming. Which honestly I could've done without. I'd rather they have continued to try and make a great successor to the Super NES than making a console for soccer moms because there was no core gaming market left for them to grab other than a niche.