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I am working on a reorg deep underground in my base, ran out of building supplies so reorged to expand my stores and prepare for stripping of the earth.

as for clay in my area i have mined almost all of it that is reasonable to get at, i will be mining more to the west of my location i noticed about two days travel a large field when looking for resources non native to older parts of our world.


edit... though i will say due to all the home network changes ive been carrying out it has been much slower than it should be.

checkout pfsense it will be our new router utm/isa device... i was going to pickup a isa570 from cisco but pfsense has cuaght my eye. i have a hyper-v install of pfsense right now playing with the config.


agian sorry for the down time this last week, i was trying to finnish up quickly while fixing some what i see as security issues, the netgear prosafe 318g that i had put in place to use as short term solution until i had the cisco isa5xx series device has some major issues after 36 hours of deployment, and i had to switch back to the netgear wndr3700 (nice kit but not manageable enough). once that was deployed had to change the gateway, and the change replicated to every computer but the minecraft server hence the outage today, fixed that when tone alerted me. so for this thurs/friday there may be some minor down time but not as much as last week. though i may not be far enough along with some changes i am making and it may be pushed off to next week. i expect to be done with all my changes by mid june barring any setbacks or part scarcity. on another note… the mine craft server itself may see a parts change, i have noticed some issues with performance from time to time nothing major but as the complexity of plugins and the main client pick up we may move from the current i3 to an i5. also keeping an eye out for 16 gig sticks of ram to replace our 8 gig sticks, this year we should see 16 gig non ecc sticks make it into market

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog