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Mr Khan said:

Depends on the context. Sometimes people have a right to melt down. All the people complaining about Monster Hunter and Capcom don't get any grief from me (and there were a fair few of them in Capcom's last financial report)

This disregarding the fact that EA is being much worse about this than any company has been since EA themselves on the Dreamcast.

There's a matter of principle at stake here, about how companies treat consumers, about how companies interact. I reiterate that EA has an agenda and is worthy of only ridicule, and shall withdraw from the conversation.

I dont think context comes into it. Trolling is trolling. The statement wouldnt be acceptable in any forum, about any company.

Its essentially being pissy because you arent getting your own way. Its throwing your toys out of the pram, because you see the kid in the other pram has a better toy.