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All you have to do is look at america or most western countries to see how fucked up the generations of kids have become. We are in a generation of kids/teens, young adults who barely go church or give a damm about their religion/God. They show no respect to their parents, do what they please and follow what media teaches is right and wrong. And you got idiots who say religion is doing harm. Let me put it bluntly, if everyone believed in a religion and just followed the examples of morals and way of life, for example jesus' story and teachings, or budha, than we would be living in a perfect world right now. Religion doesnt make a good person bad, its all down to personality and how they've been raised. For all those radicals or gay bashers saying God hates fags, they're using religion as an excuse to ride on. If they didn't follow a religion they would have been fucked up anyway,deranged minds. It's humans to blame not religion on a society that's broken. The most loving people i know who lead near perfect lives are some catholics i've met. They love their kids and families so much, believe in God, follow what jesus taught, are thankful for what has been given to them, and are successful. Chuck norris is another christian, who believes in jesus, is very loving and embracing to his family. There was a video of him on youtube where he talks about his family, religion. He has kids who are in their late 20's boys and girls, who love him and respect him.They are really close, He hugs and kisses his kids and isn't asfraid to show it. This is what every family should be like. It all starts from a young age. I believe all kids should be taught faith and good examples from a role model such as jesus. That way respect will be bought back to this world, no more racism etc.. The problem with this world right now are kids just don't give a damm and once these people have kids, i fear a nxt generation will get even worse,