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curl-6 said:
Kaizar said:
curl-6 said:
F0X said:
curl-6 said:
I'd be interested in what aspects of DKCR pushed the Wii hardware.

I don't know, but I think it did reach near-Galaxy levels of cleanliness.

It's definitely a beautiful game, (60fps really helps) I'm just curious about the tech, as cleanliness is more an artistic thing.

It looks amazingly similar to the downloadable 3D trailer of the game, from the trees to the statues to donkey kong himself. Can't wait to see the finish game appearance for the 3D version.

No 3DS game could run worse then Sonic Racing Transformed and that runs at 60 fps with the 3D ON on firmware 5.0.0-11 & up. But the other console versions of Sonic Racing Transformed runs at 30 fps, so that seems to speak about how much Nintendo change the specs by November 2010, besides the fact at they change the CPU to ARM11 and GPU from NIVIDIA to PICA200. But you wouldn't want to play Sonic Racing Transformed on the pre-install firmware of the PS3/360/3DS.

So you're saying no 3DS game could run worse than a 60fps one? I don't believe that for a second, there will be tons of 30fps 3DS games, and ones with unstable framerates, as with every system.

As for: "Well the 3DS can handle MT Framework engine & also Sumo engine, so what does that say?"

It says that the 3DS has a more conventional shader system compared to the Wii's whacky TEV system, that's all.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed on firmware 1.0.0-0 is like 15 to 20 fps, and that might be with 3D OFF, and the battery overheats even though it's unplugged and in a cool climate.

Cubic Ninja with 3D enable (circle pad mode ON) & 3D ON when you are playing stage 4 (20 different levels) has 5 second frame rate drops that drop down to like 30 fps of less, when playing with Firmware 4.1.0-8 & 4.3.0-10, but has has like 2 to 3 second frame rate drops on firmware 4.2.0-9 & 4.4.0-10 where it it drops to 45 fps or less during those short times that happen once in a while.