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Just to briefly discuss the fiasco in this thread:

There is no rule saying that only Microsoft fans can post in Microsoft Discussion. There is no rule saying that everyone here has to be positive about everything Microsoft does all the time. There is a fairly clear line between reasonable opinion and mindless bashing, and nobody here is crossing that line.

And even if they were, a forum thread with its own topic is really not the place to be discussing such things. Report, PM the user in question if you like, move on, and discuss the actual topic of this thread.

Speaking of which, I think it's a very good idea to be televising the initial announcement: Sony have a few months' head start on them, and they need to get the word about the next Xbox out as quickly as possible, not just to dedicated enthusiasts who will watch online livestreams, but to the larger gaming population. I still think, however, that waiting this long was something of a mistake, especially with the negative rumours (always online, no used games) that have been swirling around.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective