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JoeTheBro said:
kain_kusanagi said:
Barbarossa said:
Kantor said:
Alright, I'm going to be direct here.

Galaki's post was not offensive. Galaki's post did not break the rules. Galaki's post was a pun based on your thread title. If you do see anything that offens you, by all means report it. If it's moderatable, it will be moderated. If it isn't, then it won't, and you need to accept that although it was offensive to you, we didn't consider it to be objectively offensive.

I'm going to try to put this as nicely as possible, so I apologise if it still seems a little bit harsh. But we are not here to deal with people being offended. That's far too subjective. We are here to maintain a certain level of discourse and keep this site from becoming a giant flamewar. No part of that requires the banning of jokes that certain people find offensive.

Women are more than welcome here. You, personally, are more than welcome here. But that doesn't mean that we are going to bend over backwards to do everything that every user wants us to do. That is not feasible.

I thought that was one of the main reasons to have moderators in the first place. Isn't that an essential part of " maintaining a certain level of discourse"? Yes, what is and isn't offensive is a matter of subjectivity. With that in mind it seems contradictive to state "we didn't consider it to be objectively offensive.".

In all honesty, I smiled a little when I read that joke. Does it make me misogynistic? Maybe so. However, after Marucha pointed out that she, as a woman, was offended by it, I would be wise to seriously consider if it was appropriate or not.

Basically, guys, you like girls, right? They're cool, clever and pretty. Why not make them feel comfortable here? It doesn't mean we should "bend backwards" to satisfy them, just go easy with the sexual slurs, ok?

Is anyone really asking the mods to bend over backwards? I think the OP is saying that when a post is reported that clearly breaks a rule that the rule should be enforced. I think she is saying that she is tired of rule breakers going unmoderated.

But is it clearly breaking a rule? Galaki didn't really insult anything, even if people were offended by his comment.

The rule states that insults on a person's sex are not allowed. That's pretty cut and dry to me.

I don't understand why being offensive is more important that respect for others. When someone is offended the offending party should apologize for a misunderstanding. If they don't that it was an intentional offense.

I'm also tired of the 1st Amendment being used as some kind of "I get to be as big a jerk as I want and there's nothing you can do about it" right. That's not the reason for the 1st Amendment and it's certainly not in the spirit of community either. Getting to say what you believe is different than getting to be as offensive as you want and the right to do something doesn't make it right to do.