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mike_intellivision said:

Point here about how bad the console gaming market is -- and what people are missing.

Tomb Raider had disappointing sales of 3.6M. it essentially cost the S-E CEO his job.

If people need 5M sales for a AAA game to be profitable, what kind of hope is there for this industry?

I would bet on Nintendo more than the other two because Nintendo has shown for the last two genreations that it can produce enough big sellers to keep itself afloat.  

Mike from Morgantown

Tomb Raider has done about as well as anyone with a brain expected it would.

Wada was a fool. He expected far too much from games that were never gonna reach the targets he/they set. 3.4 Million units in 4 Weeks is pretty damn good for any game that isnt Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto. Already smashed the other TR games from the generation and only the original 3 TR games have sold more.

5 to 10 Million units for Tomb Raider was insane. Maybe if it had a Holiday release and compelling online, it could have broke 5 Million... But during the Spring lul with a poor online component? Dream on. The game will probably leg it over 5 Million, but 10? Seriously? This isnt Halo. This isnt Mario. This isnt Gran Turismo... Its Tomb Raider lol

AAA Games needing 5 Million to profit and having $100 Million budgets, I think is bullshit btw. Thats just SE for you, or poor management in general. Naughty Dog made Uncharted 2 with $20 Million.

Uncharted 2 is one of the best looking games of the gen. It had solid online gameplay and sold over 6 Million units. Games with big dev teams taking too long to make good games, is what pushes that dev cost. Big teams + Long Dev Timescales = Square Enix.