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MaxwellAllen said:
If this is true it clearly proves that microsoft was caught off guard by the PS4 specs. There is no way they should be keeping this silent for this long, post PS4 reveal. Unless of coarse they are being forced to beef up their hardware in response to the PS4 announcement.

The only reason 360 had it's sales lead was the obvious early release. This time around we're seeing how microsoft handles a competitive launch window and of coarse a coherent Sony. This time around microsoft isn't getting 'lucky' and we see what's happening lol.

Why is microsoft allowing Sony to garner this much positive press and continue riding this wave of media love? Because they either have an amazing gimmick to sell their console, OR they were caught completely off guard and don't have anything that sets them apart from Sony's PS4. I think the latter is the truth.

The 360 actually needed that headstart on Sony because the PS2 was the beast.  This gen is different because MS was able to make the 360 a household name and thus sits very well with MS releasing their console at the same time. 

What I do not understand is why people feel MS has to knee jerk respond to Sony reveal.  Before Sony reveal, it was rumored that MS reveal would be in April.  If this rumor was correct would it not look desperate for MS to change their plans to announce something in respond.  How can MS be caught off guard if they already have a plan and is just sticking to it. These consoles will not be coming out until November, which is plenty of time to get your message out and counter your competition.

usually in business if you are able to force your competitor to reveal their stragety first then you have the advantage.  Case in point would be the 360.  MS Had to get it to market first because going up against the PS brand at the same time would not end well.