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Machiavellian said:
Chark said:

Are they having those issues right now? I thought those cleared up end of last year. Maybe this is where Sony is putting the money they saved by going x86 and having AMD do Microsoft Beastie Boys's sytle. SABOTAGE! lol

No, but really I'm starting to doubt what MS is actually going to have hardware wise and I'm pissed we might have to wait longer for a reveal. The damage from PS4's reveal hasn't even fully settled yet. GDC just ended. Another month delay, another month of steady next gen reveals that won't say Xbox3 on them. Who knows if this will matter in hind sight, but right now MS is missing out on everything while Sony is dancing in the streets. I hope they don't think that Fall and the holidays are the only times people pay attention to gaming.

I do not understand this type of thinking.  Sony did not even show you a console but some how you believe they are on track to have it mass produced by November.  On the other hand, MS doesnt give out any info on what they are doing and suddenly they have issues, problems ect. Why would you be pissed that MS doesn't want to show their competition their hand until they are ready.  Why should MS show their hand early because Sony wanted to get the jump on marketing.  The thing is, if both consoles are coming out in November, it doesn't matter if MS reveal it in April, May or at E3.  They evidently have a plan and nothing that Sony has done has made them change it.  

What would be a difference is if MS actually have a working final product running actual games at their press event instead of games running behind the scenes using a PC.  This gives more credence of what the system can do then a press event that really did not say alot.  I would love for MS to reveal the nextbox now but I can easily wait until E3.  As I have noticed, its not who starts first but who can successfuly execute their stragety that wins the day.

First off showing the actual console case means nothing, second they are planning a launch for this year's holiday so yes, why wouldn't someone believe that. The games are running on PS4 hardware regardless of the box that will be shipped to consumers, don't be fooled. Though I might agree showing the final console style would have been nice it doesn't change what it is inside, and maybe, maybe they can get more hype by holding off the look till a later date, and if not they seem to be doing a damn good job regardless.

The issues isn't MS not announcing right now, the issue is MS not annoucing while Sony takes advantage of the spotlight. Each day that goes by and each next gen game announcement that has been dying to announce gives the PS4 more press. It isn't as much as when they announce as it does "when" they announce, and delaying it is just exasperating the situation they are in. But as I said maybe it isn't a big deal in the long run, but it sure seems like a big deal in the here and now. Perhaps it is better to announce when things quite down...if they do. Their competition is getting all the press and no one can mention Xbox 3 at all. That itself is an issue. Why MS would give Sony time like this is beyond me. Hell, MS could have an awesome console but believe me, they aren't doing themselves any favors.

Well you know, all that but I really really want to know. It's killing me.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(