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Michael-5 said:
kain_kusanagi said:
Michael-5 said:
kain_kusanagi said:
Michael-5 said:

Last Question: Out of all of Saturns Gems, which would you consider must have games?

Don't mention a game unless you honestly think it's worth an 8/10 or higher.

P.S. I was just reading Wikipedia about some of these games. Panzer Dragoon 1 is included in Orta entirely.

Must Have 8/10 (IMO) or Higher Sega Saturn Exclusives:

Panzer Dragoon Saga - RPG

Panzer Dragoon Zwei - Rail Shooter

Panzer Dragoon - Rail Shooter

Burning Rangers - Action

Magic Knight Rayearth - Adventure (I'll watch anime first, see if I like it)

Albert Odysee: Legend of Eldean - RPG

Shinning the Holy Ark - RPG

Radiant Silvergun got an XBLA port and like you mentioned Panzer Dragoon is unlockable in Panzer Dragoon Orta. But other than those two I think this is a great list of what the Saturn has that nothing else does.

If you like the genres of the games on this list you should enjoy the games. I don't for the most part

BTW: If you're into 2D fighters the Saturn has a ton. LOL Not into them They aren't exclusive, but for the time they were the best home versions. Some require a 2meg or 4meg cart to play. Also when you get your Saturn you will want to hunt down an Anologue controller and a memory cart. The Saturn has built in memory, but it runs on a battery and when the batter runs out you lose your saves when you change the batter. A memary cart solves that issue and gives a ton more space for saves.

One more thing. If you are planning to import games you can either get an ST-Key cart or a 4in1 Action Replay. The bonus of the 4in1 is it also has the extra megs for those fighters I mentions. If you're thinking of modding your Saturn for backups, make sure to get the Model 2 Saturn, because it's the easy one to put a mod chip in.

No Shining Force 3, Blazing Hero's, Dragon Force, or Shining Wisdom?

I think this is a small, but good Saturn Collection for me. The rest don't interest me much, not above all the other PS1/N64 or even PS3 offersings, so I would never play them.

Thnaks for all the advice. I've had a bad experience modding consoles before, so if I want to have back up copies of games, I'd play them on a PC emulator. I've seen someone play Panzer Dragoon on an emulator at school before.

Do you only like RPGs or something?

I don't usually like fighting, or 2D sidescrollers or hack and slash, but there are exceptions (I like Smash Bros and Soul Calibur before it got milked, I like 2D Metroids, Zelda II, Ranger X and Mega Man X, and I do like DMC 3 and Vanquish if you consider that hack and slash).

Generally for old games I prefer RPG's. There is something mellow about playing a 15 year old RPG, it's so much simpler and relaxed.

I do like racing games and Action/Adventure games, but I'm picky, and none of those other games looked interesting to me when I googled gameplay. Not really looking for a retro racing game because Mario Kart/F-Zero/GT satisfy me there. As for AA, it's not my favorite genre, but I'll play AAA stuff like Zelda, and none of the stuff there looked as good as Zelda.

Rail Shooters I'm okay with, not huge on. If it weren't for PD Saga, I'd probably have ignored the PD series.

I'm just picky, I know what I like. I've heard amazing things about PD Saga (It's your favorite RPG), so I don't want to ignore that. Want to try out Shining Force as well because it's from my favorite developer.

Hey if you know what you like then there's no reason to waste your money on the rest.

BTW, Don't bother watching the Magic Knight Rayearth anime before playing the game. They are not connected. The game is pure Zelda style adventure but with the twist of having three characters with three different sets of weapons and magic abilities that you can switch between at any time. If you like Zelda than you'll like Magic Knight Rayearth for the Saturn. The anime is ok, but the game is fantastic. It's like A Link to the Past but so much more. The only negative, and it's minor, is that the begining of the game is very scripted to set up the story, but once you get past the first hour or so it opens up.