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Michael-5 said:
kain_kusanagi said:
Michael-5 said:

Last Question: Out of all of Saturns Gems, which would you consider must have games?

Don't mention a game unless you honestly think it's worth an 8/10 or higher.

P.S. I was just reading Wikipedia about some of these games. Panzer Dragoon 1 is included in Orta entirely.

Must Have 8/10 (IMO) or Higher Sega Saturn Exclusives:

Panzer Dragoon Saga - RPG

Panzer Dragoon Zwei - Rail Shooter

Panzer Dragoon - Rail Shooter

Burning Rangers - Action

Magic Knight Rayearth - Adventure (I'll watch anime first, see if I like it)

Albert Odysee: Legend of Eldean - RPG

Shinning the Holy Ark - RPG

Radiant Silvergun got an XBLA port and like you mentioned Panzer Dragoon is unlockable in Panzer Dragoon Orta. But other than those two I think this is a great list of what the Saturn has that nothing else does.

If you like the genres of the games on this list you should enjoy the games. I don't for the most part

BTW: If you're into 2D fighters the Saturn has a ton. LOL Not into them They aren't exclusive, but for the time they were the best home versions. Some require a 2meg or 4meg cart to play. Also when you get your Saturn you will want to hunt down an Anologue controller and a memory cart. The Saturn has built in memory, but it runs on a battery and when the batter runs out you lose your saves when you change the batter. A memary cart solves that issue and gives a ton more space for saves.

One more thing. If you are planning to import games you can either get an ST-Key cart or a 4in1 Action Replay. The bonus of the 4in1 is it also has the extra megs for those fighters I mentions. If you're thinking of modding your Saturn for backups, make sure to get the Model 2 Saturn, because it's the easy one to put a mod chip in.

No Shining Force 3, Blazing Hero's, Dragon Force, or Shining Wisdom?

I think this is a small, but good Saturn Collection for me. The rest don't interest me much, not above all the other PS1/N64 or even PS3 offersings, so I would never play them.

Thnaks for all the advice. I've had a bad experience modding consoles before, so if I want to have back up copies of games, I'd play them on a PC emulator. I've seen someone play Panzer Dragoon on an emulator at school before.

I'm not a fan of Blazing Heros or Dragon Force. But I did say that Dragon Force is top quality I just don't care for it. Shinning Wisdom is a Zelda clone with very dated graphics. The gameplay is solid and it's fun, but I'd say it's more foa 7 than an 8. Shinning Force 3 should have been on the list, I actualy thought I had put it on the list. Shinning The Holy Ark is great too.

The list I gave you are all great games. Do you have a limited taste in games? Mostly just like RPGs?