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I have updated the OP to include "Turbo", seems like a good movie for all ages, but I dont want to jump to conclusions.

The Mario bros. movie 2 Live Action, is real because "Jon Hamm" from "Mad Men" went for the casting of Luigi 1 or so years ago and got turned down, but I don't know who's gonna play Mario & Luigi. And I'm just guessing the Summer 2013 release because this has been in the making for a really long time, and it will definitely be filmed in 3D.

Anyways I'm looking forward to that new "Christopher Nolan" (writer/director of Batman Trilogy) movie "Man of Steel" (he's the producer of this movie.....better then director) and this will be his first movie he has made that is made in 3D. So make sure to see the new Superman movie this June 14.