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axumblade said:
People seem to think we were banning people just because JayWood said that trolling wouldn't be tolerated. The reason people were banned is because he was talking about a sale on a service that he thought others would be interested in and all certain users wanted to do was write about how they disliked the service, which was derailing the topic and considered trolling because instead of adding to the conversation, they complained about it being a paid service. It's also spamming because it doesn't contribute to conversation either. And flaming because it creates arguments and discourse between users.

As another mod who... uh... participated in moderating users in that thread, I also wanted to confirm what Axum has said (hopefully with more punctuation ).

The mod team hasn't changed gears when it comes to enforcing rules or moderating users. We're still reviewing threads, posts, and reports as a team (The vast majority of moderations are done as a team, thanks to mod chat on AIM!) and doing our best to maintain quality discussion and community growth.

JayWood's thread (like any other thread) was given certain parameters based on the content of his thread. The content included a deal for Xbox Live users and how they could access it. The thread had NOTHING to do with one's opinion on Microsoft's online service or what you think about competing online services. The thread was meant to help other gamers out (and some posters even gave him hell for that. *shakes head*).

But even with a moderator asking users to keep things on topic early on, people just couldn't help themselves by making it another turf war for the console warz. So when users began to veer off topic and even go so far as to troll the Live online service, that's when we intervened. I would have loved the conversation to steer towards Live users coming together and getting a deal on their service, but instead we have a half dozen bans and a thread with (once again) wasted potential. I'm glad JayWood made the thread, helping out other Live members potentially save money for the service. Unfortuantely people just couldn't help themselves and did their best to steer discussion off topic and turn things into a flame war. :