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Can I see the moderation history?

Mod edit:

Mod History for monkeyade

03/05/13 19:45 Smeags Ban Flaming (You've done nothing but flame others since you got here, and this is another example of that (heck, even calling the entire mod team "cocks" and telling them to "fuck off".) We've had enough of your poor attitude. Best of luck finding a community, but gamrConnect has little need of you.) Perma Ban 5187201
02/26/13 05:16 axumblade Ban Flaming (Don't call users "losers" and "fucking lemmings." ) Banned 7 days 5164897
02/23/13 15:28 radishhead Ban Flaming (Adds nothing to discussion; insults and angers another user) Banned 1 days 5155460
02/07/13 17:33 axumblade Ban Trolling (There really is no need for this comment. Furthermore, it doesn't add anything to the conversation. ) Banned 5 days 5102686
02/02/13 06:33 axumblade Ban Flaming (Don't tell users to fuck off.) Banned 3 days 5083628

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(