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SSBB was/is the one game I expect to blow through my "prediciton" the hardest, but I still think Mario Kart will do better!

PS: Bruce is the biggest asshole of them all, there's just no beating him in general retardedness and stupidity. Reminds me of a joke;

A poor sod late for work is speeding through Oslo, watching minutes creep away and picturing getting fired. Upon starting to cross a highway bridge, he is waved in by a police officer with a grim face. Another police officer walks over to the car as he pulls over and stops, this one holding a laser in his hand and has an even more grim face.
The driver slaps his forehead as the cop starts to write a ticket for him, and struck by a small pang of guilt, the cop decides to small talk to ease the situation a bit;
"Good morning, sir. Seems you were a bit hard on the throttle today, late for work?"
The driver nods with an exasperated look on him.
"What do you do?" asks the police officer.
The driver displays an evil and short grin and starts;
"Well, since you ask, I'm an asshole stretcher." The policeman stops writing, genuinly intrigued and motions for him to carry on.
"I take tiny assholes and start expanding them with a finger, then two fingers, and eventually an entire hand. After a while, both hands go in and I can start the actual strethcing. I stretch and stretch, all the way until the asshole is roughly six feet tall, and then I proceed to give him a uniform and a laser and place him on a highway bridge on the following morning..."

Its a true story, and apparently the policeman liked the joke so much he tore the ticket and sent him off with a warning, all the while laughing hard. Only in Norway...