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Akvod said:
Kantor said:
I think you greatly overestimate how much people actually care about the amount of RAM inside a console.

There would be no meltdowns if the NextBox had more than 8GB GDDR5 RAM, because that would be a ridiculous waste of money and resources. Even 8GB is pushing into the realms of absurdity.

To play the devil's advocate though, I do think people do care about numbers, and if their console has bigger numbers than the other consoles. But then you have to take into account there's many fucking numbers:


Number of exclusives




And yeah, I have no idea what RAM really does. I think it's the memory that actually stores and runs the applications? I mean, there's a reason why I'm a console gamer...

That's true, up to a limit, but increasing the one number (RAM) will also increase another number (price) whose increase is considerably less popular.

RAM is where applications are run, yes. When you see a loading screen, that's the game data being transferred from the hard disk/blu-ray to the RAM, to put it simply. The more RAM, the better the game will run, that's all that really matters.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective