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its an odd mishmash of high end on the ram, upper mid range on the gpu, and lower midrange on the cpu ...

using the gddr5 will help hide issues in the cpu but i still feel twoards the end of its life the "eight core" (4 module ) will actually limit what the gpu can do. it will be an interesting switch form this gen where the ram and then gpus were the choke points. and due to the design of the cores, if a game is not programed to take advantage of how the 4 modules operate they could actually slow down the performance below that of a quad core as has been shown on ars in the past.

it will be interesting to see where they take this, at least programming support will be easier... though if they had used intel could have been much easier ....

stupid fake 8 cores .... but then all about arguing what makes a core....

so i guess in summary the ram is a neat choice, the gpu is not as high end as i hopped but not a POS and since its custom may have trick up its sleave
and the cpu leaves a lot to be desired (are we 100% on its clock speed yet)

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog