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RazorDragon said:

Some are DD games, and you probably haven't heard of them because most people spread that Nintendo = Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and somehow everyone who hears that automatically belive those people and don't care to look which games Nintendo actually produces.


And, of course, Steel Diver is an AAA game! Do you know how much it costs to create submarines with missiles?

How many of them are DD games? Tell me. Please. I might not know of them because Nintendo give them bare minimum advertising and spend the majority of the budget on 3, maybe 4 Mario games a Year.

Look at how well Fire Emblem has done with a bit of attention from Nintendo. Imagine how well Xenoblade would have done if it had a Quarter of the ad budget that a Mario game gets... And if NoA actually wanted to release it instead of Wii Play: Motion.

We get it. Games with the Mario name on them sell well. If Steel Diver was "Mario Diver", it would have probably doubled in sales and hit the Million. The question that needs to be asked though is this - With the Billions made in the last 5 Years, why wont Nintendo push it into big new IP? If Nintendo really wanted the core market from PS360, then why arent they pushing the boundaries? I think its laziness, or lack of imagination or originality coming from the higher ups.