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Even though this is a video game website, from time to time I click on forum threads with non-gaming titles. Many times I find myself regretting this compulsion, but that might be a topic for another time. Anyway, some of the above mentioned threads are political. I've participated in enough of them to have noticed a trend. Based on that trend I've since built a rudimentary theory that I think you might find interesting. It's similar to Godwin's Law.

I'm going to call it The Apple Pie Law and it goes like this:

As positive statements about the United States of America increase, the probability of a negative response approaches 1.

So what that means is if someone says they like the USA it is likely that someone will respond with a criticism of the USA regardless of if an opinion on the matter was asked for. The USA cannot be the subject of a discussion without at some point the conversation being diverted to a defense of its merits against opposing viewpoints. What's most interesting about this is that it happens regardless of if the positive statement implies any kind of superiority in regard to other nations. A simple patriotic American remark cannot go unchallenged and must be defended ad nauseum. This does not seem to be the case when positive statements are made about other nations at the same rate as with the USA.

This theory does not say that everyone reacts this way to America complements. But it does illustrate that the few who do this can't help it. I wouldn't be surprised if someone makes critical remarks about the USA in response to this topic even though no American merits where discussed.

So, what do you think? Does the USA get singled out or does this happen with all nations brought up in discussions? Am I just not noticing all the other countries being criticized? Is this an interesting observation or should I just accept that the USA is an evil nation with nothing but toxic waste, corrupt corporations and obese rednecks with less education than trained monkeys?