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Yeah, claiming that "alcohol tastes bad" is very strange, there are a million different flavors and mixes and one would also have to exclude ever eating any sauce with alcohol in it (if it "tastes bad" in a drink mix, it "tastes bad" in a sauce), alcohol treated meats and seafood etc.

Now I'm fine with people not liking or drinking alcohol but "it tastes bad" is a silly reason that buckels under it's own inaccuracy. There are some alcoholic drinks I don't like either, I hate the taste of wine, whiskey, cognac and a lot of types of beer, I simply never drink them, its not any worse than that. But, even something I hate, like whiskey, tastes good in a Irish Coffee, once again showing that claiming that a whole group of liquid with a certain quality "tastes bad" is strange and silly.

Like I said; don't want to drink alcohol or get drunk, good! More power to you, I'm not a huge fan of what it has done to modern society. But, come up with a better argument.