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bananaking21 said:
KungKras said:
bananaking21 said:
let me guess, EA is pist and angry at nintendo. they dont like them and want them to fail. lets all wear tin foil hats now and unveil this conspiracy against nintendo

Stop being stupid enough to assume that throwing around the words 'conspiracy' and 'tin foil hats' wins you the day.

Explain why EA's SPORTS games aren't coming to the Wii U then, despite their contracts. I dare you!

dont call me stupid, who the hell are you to call me that? and look one post above yours genius and you can see why. 

Everyone who is obnoxious enough to try to shut down legitimate arguments with insults like "conspiracy theories" etc, I'll call whatever I want.

EA's history of animosity towards Nintendo is well documented. Trip Hawkins threw his shoe at the table of an investor meeting when he was forced to make games for the NES.