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atma998 said:
Well enough time wasted here for tonight. Have fun in your delusion guys.

Ill just reply to this one. The numbers you are using arent fact. VGChartz numbers are NEVER fact. Ive told you this before. ioi himself, the owner of VGChartz, has said that VGC numbers are not fact. Please understand that. The VGChartz numbers currently have the DS selling more units than Nintendo have made available.

The other point - Nintendo DID only sell 30,000 DS' outside of America. This number comes from NINTENDO. Its not made up. Go check the financials. Nintendo actually disagree with you. Ignore the VGChartz estimations. Listen to Nintendo.

The other point - Nintendo simply isnt popular in the expanded markets. Eastern Europe, India, Middle East, South America, Africa, Asia w/o Japan. They never have been and they have barely tried to push any console there, while Sony have always tried to push products to these markets. The PS2 is affordable and it has one of the best libraries ever in terms of games.

Which leads me to another point - Sony really did sell more PS2s in 2012 than Nintendo did DS'. The numbers are there. Theyre easy to work out and theyre easy to find. Sony and Nintendo cannot lie about these numbers. Either PS2 sold more than the DS did in 2012, or the PS3 is undertracked by ~2m units. We KNOW that the PS3 isnt under by that much, thanks to Nintendo's charts.

Please actually read that and do the research.