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Who know. Ninja Gaiden 2 actually has Microsoft Game Studios on the game package. Might have been funded by MS, and we all know where that went. Mass Effect was repeatedly said by Microsoft that it's staying on the 360 and PC only (Again, assuming they funded the game) and we all know where that landed this past year. It really depends what the publishers agreed upon. Sega owns Bayonetta, not Nintendo, if Nintendo didn't keep write up a good contract then Bayonetta 2 super sexy edition can come out for the PS3/360/PS4/Microsoft next. Plus Nintendo could have agreed to partially fund the project under the terms of a timed exclusive, just like how MS used to give cash out for time exclusive deals. I see nothing saying Nintendo owns Wonderful 101, I just see them as publisher, though I see that staying a Wii U exclusive more than Bayonetta 2.